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  • 2015, mit C. Schütze, U. Sauer, A. Schossland, C. Seeger, S. Schlömer, F. Möller, A. Liebscher, S. Martens & P. Dietrich: Application of Monitoring Methods for Remote Detection of Atmospheric CO2 concentration Levels during a Back-Production Test at the Ketzin Pilot Site. – EGU, General Ass. 2015, Vienna (A), April 2015.
  • 2014, mit S. Schlömer: The eddy covariance method as part of near-surface monitoring approaches for CO2 storage sites. – Geotechnologien “Geological Storage of CO2” Statusseminar, Leipzig, June 23-24, 2014.
  • 2014, mit S. Schlömer: A comparison of near surface CO2 monitoring methods and their applicability in the CCS context – EGU, General Ass. 2014, Vienna (A), April 2014.
  • 2013, mit S. Schlömer & M. Furche: Continuous soil gas monitoring related to CCS – Lessons-learned from a 5-year case study. – Goldschmidt conference 2013, Florence (I), August 2013.
  • 2012, mit C. Seeger, J. Poggenburg, A. Bahr, A. Vidal, D. Laszinski, D. Graskamp, I. Dumke & S. Schlömer: The Eddy Covariance method as medium-scale CO2 monitoring approach in the CCS context. – Geotechnologien “Geological Storage of CO2” Kick-off conference, Hannover, September 2012.
  • 2012, mit K. Welkenhuysen, S. Schlömer, R. Janssens & K. Piessens: Natural CO2 releases of geogenic origin: Cross-border comparison (Belgium-Germany) for selected emission locations. – 4th Int. Geologica Belgica. Brüssel, September 2012.
  • 2012, mit S. Gwosdz, H.-H. Richnow & M. Krüger: Volcanic CO2 seeps and their influence on freshwater environments. – 164th annual conference of the German Society for Geosciences. Hannover, Oktober 2012.
  • 2012, mit K. Piessens, K. Welkenhuysen, R. Janssens & S. Schlömer: Geogenic CO2 releases in Belgium and Germany as natural analogues for the development and evaluation of monitoring tools and methods. – 164th annual conference of the German Society for Geosciences. Hannover, Oktober 2012.
  • 2012, mit S. Gwosdz, H.-H. Richnow & M. Krüger: Seeping volcanic CO2 and ist effect on freshwater environments. – 14th Int. Symp. Microbial Ecology: 557. Kopenhagen (DK), August 2012.
  • 2011, mit K. Spickenbom: Natural Analogues for the development of underwater gas monitoring tools. – CGS Europe workshop “Natural Analogues”, Maria Laach, Oktober 2011.
  • 2010, mit K. Spickenbom & C. Seeger: Offshore CO2 storage - Monitoring a possible gas leakage. – GeoDarmstadt 2010, Darmstadt, Oktober 2010.
  • 2010, mit K. Spickenbom & C. Seeger: Development of underwater gas monitoring systems. – 88th Ann. Meeting, German Mineralog. Soc., Münster, September 2010.
  • 2009, mit J. Frerichs, M. Krüger & F. May: Adaptation of terrestrial microbial communi­ties to elevated CO2 concentrations. – Poster presentation, EGU, General Assembly 2009, Vienna (A), April 2009.
  • 2008, mit M. Krüger, J. West, B. Oppermann, M.-C. Dictor, J. Frerichs, C. Joulin, D. Jones, P. Coombs, K. Green, J. Pearce, F. May: Ecosystem effects of elevated CO2 concentrations on microbial popu­lations at a terrestrial CO2 vent at Laacher See, Germany. – Poster presentation, 9th Int. Conf. on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Washington (USA), November 16-20, 2008.
  • 2008, mit D. Jones, T. Barlow, S.E. Beaubien, G. Ciotoli, T.R. Lister, S. Lombardi, F. May, J. Pearce & R. Shaw: New and established techniques for surface gas monitoring at onshore CO2 storage sites. – Poster presentation, 9th Int. Conf. on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Washington (USA), November 16-20, 2008.
  • 2008, mit K. Spickenbom, E. Faber, J. Poggenburg & C. Seeger: Development of a submarine gas flow monitoring system. – Poster presentation, OCEANS, Bremen, September 15-18, 2008.
  • 2008, mit E. Faber, F. May, J. Poggenburg, N. Rann, K. Spickenbom & M. Teschner: CCS-related experiences of near surface soil gas monitoring experiments. – Poster presentation, EGU, General Ass. 2008, Vienna (A), April 13-18, 2008.
EGU-14 (MoI)
EGU, Wien 2014, Poster
Goldschmidt 2013 (MoI)
Goldschmidt-Tagung, Florenz 2013, Poster
GeoHannover 2012 (MoI)
GeoHannover, Hannover 2012, Poster
DMG 2010 (MoI)
DMG-Tagung, Münster 2010, Poster
EGU 2008 (MoI)
EGU, Wien 2008, Poster

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